There is No Flipping Wagon.

8 06 2010

I’ve heard this a lot lately:

“I need to get on the healthy wagon.”

“I really should jump on that wagon again.”

“Oh I totally need to get on the exercise/eating well wagon with you!”

There is no flipping wagon.

You have to walk.  Run. Jog. Swim. Cycle.  Get your ass moving.  Period.

You have to plan. Shop. Cook. Think. Learn.  Eating healthy doesn’t come easy either. I have read a ton and learned a lot about eating healthy in the last 11 weeks.

Don’t tell me you’re going to do it.  Do it and tell me after.

Besides, riding any sort of wagon means you’re just sitting on your butt, not really involved in where you’re going, not driving yourself – just along for the ride.  Wherever that binge takes you, you’re going.  What great adventures you watch OTHER PEOPLE doing on the television, you’re just a passenger of life.  I know this.  I did it for 10 long years.  I know it well.

Something clicked 11 weeks ago.  Something inside me didn’t want to feel like a lump of passenger anymore.  Something inside me didn’t want to wake up with heartburn from a too salty/sweet/fatty diet that was threatening to suffocate me with my own stomach acid in my sleep.

I wanted to be healthy.  Not skinny, not sexy, just healthy.  I certainly didn’t want to fake it anymore with Yummie Tummies and Spanx.  Besides, I had to practically break a fat hip to get into to those things.  Not pretty.  There is nothing healthy about grunting and sweating and having your friend hump you from behind in order to squeeze your back fat into ugly support hose for torsos.

I wanted to run with my kids.  I wanted to be the fun Mom.  I wanted to be more patient, more relaxed.  My kids deserve that.  I deserve it.

I was tired of pulling at my clothes.  I was tired of seeing the scale bob up and down the same 5-10 pounds as my frustration grew and I fed my disappointment with rich food and junk.

I wanted to drive my own wagon, my own life.

So I did something about it.

I made myself accountable.  I recorded every damn thing I eat.  I recorded the exercise I did.  I am still teetering, finding that balance that puts my body into a healthy state of weight loss, averaging about 1.5-2 pounds a week, aside from the last 3 weeks whereby my body has decided to plateau.

I am not giving up.  A plateau is normal.  Imagine a  plateau on the side of a mountain.  A plateau is a rest point before a body says, DING DING! ROUND TWO!  Stay in the ring!

So today I started yet another trial: Hemp Hearts.

I went to one of those granola eatin’/tree huggin’ stores and was given a tub of hemp hearts – you put them on yogurt or fruit (or both), in salads, and there’s a slew of literature and recipes that came with it. It’s high in protein, but also high in (good) fat. I thought I’d try them out on breakfast for about a week and see if that kicks my 3-4 week plateau into gear.

By the way, they taste good – nutty.

The claims online seem a little out of line (1 pound a day weight loss which is crazy high) but I don’t think they are bad for you. My reality is in check – I don’t subscribe to crazy claims but I am trying them out.

Who’s with me?  Try one new thing this week.  A food, a new activity that gets you moving, anything that contributes to your health.

One. Thing.

Let’s rev those engines and drive our own lives.



56 responses

8 06 2010

I am so with you. Bookmarking this post to re-read over and over if I lose track or lose motivation.

Thanks for writing this!

9 06 2010

so what’s your one new thing you’re going to try this week?

9 06 2010

Walking more, eating less junk, drinking more water. To start.

Convincing my husband it’s time for him to join me, since we will succeed so much easier with one another for support, but we can’t give in, like we always do.

Between the two of us, we could easily lose over a hundred pounds. I’m not telling who needs to lose how much. lol

9 06 2010

Oh yeah, and I want to look up swim lessons again. Looked earlier this spring, but that’s as far as I got.

I’m 26, grew up near a lake, and have no idea how to swim, effectively. As of this year, I can keep myself afloat and go a few feet. lol

Going to bite the bullet and sign up for swim lessons next time they are offered. 😀

8 06 2010

i live in Oklahoma. I don’t like wagons.”)

9 06 2010


so what’s your one new thing you’re going to try this week?

8 06 2010

too freakin’ right! Good for you and thanks for the kick in the (too big, too squishy) ass. I needed that.

9 06 2010

so what’s your one new thing you’re going to try this week, squishy? 😉

9 06 2010

love it.

i Was just using a turn of phrase, and i very much agree.

9 06 2010

so what’s your one new thing you’re going to try this week Mew?

9 06 2010

You are so right! My new thing this week is biking. It’s been a long time since I was on a bike! I’m loving it so far.

9 06 2010

Yay! I already knew that and thought of you when I wrote this tonight. Go Lisa!

9 06 2010

I walked a 10K — pretty fast for me, my first distance race — with my mom who walked it with a friend at her own pace and my sister who ran/walked. It was pretty great to finish and have the whole day ahead of me, and I made it to the gym the day after, which really helped me work out my hip pain from walking on concrete. Who knew? I’ll let you know the next new thing. 🙂 (And thanks for the blogroll action! Had no idea. I just checked this out. I am so behind on my blogs…xo.)

9 06 2010

Wow Laurie! Good for you! Sorry to hear about the hip pain tho – that’s a real bummer. I had shin splints when I first started and then a bit of knee pain so I know how that can put a chink in your armour. (omg i’ve never used that phrase before – I hope I said it right).

Can’t wait to hear about your next new thing!

9 06 2010
Bryan Nikkel

Are you tracking other measurements than just weight? The reason I ask is when my weight plateaued back in January, I was also measuring my body fat percentage and it was still going down. Really though, how you feel is the best barometer. If you have lots of energy and feel healthy, who cares if you stall weight wise for a few weeks. Keep doing what you are doing. Your progress thus far is amazing. Cheers!

9 06 2010

I really should Bryan, shouldn’t I? I haven’t tho. My clothes are a very good indication so there’s that – and I have a body fat % scale and it’s dropped 7% since I started as well. I know BF scales can be out by up to 4% and some say they are unreliable altogether, but I dunno – seeing that # going down as well is a good motivator.

9 06 2010
Miss Britt

You are STILL not measuring?

Imma smack you when I see you.

9 06 2010
Bryan Nikkel

By the way, my new thing is buying my first set of golf clubs and starting to play and hitting the driving range regularly this summer.

9 06 2010

From now on, instead of ‘hopping on a wagon’, I’m totally gonna start ‘driving a rickshaw’.

9 06 2010

hahaha i love that Terra.

9 06 2010

Most times, hopping on and off the wagon is really a euphemism for a mental block towards whatever goal you’re trying to achieve. Sometimes it’s easy to break through and sometimes it isn’t. Not making excuses, just sayin’. 🙂

By the way – my new thing this week was walk/running in a new locale, then meditating afterward…so awesome!!

9 06 2010

Yes I’m aware. I’ve just heard people say the “I’m going to ____” so much that it’s frustrating. Because I said “I’m going to ____” soooo many times in the last 10 years.

Go Robin with your walking! Awesome!

9 06 2010
Sam {temptingmama}

Damn, that’s a good friend when they will hump you from behind to squeeze you into some shapeware. ROFL.

I am do proud of you. You keep me going. Thank you!! xo

9 06 2010

Thanks Sam. And you can hump me anytime.

9 06 2010
Miss Britt

Amen. The “wagon” analogy feeds into the idea that it’s beyond your control. That was the biggest thing for me – realizing that it was a CHOICE within MY control.

My new thing this week by the way is focusing on my water intake. I started a goal at because I’ll do great with water for a few days, and then not for a few weeks.

One new thing a week might be a lot, depending on how “big” the thing is. I kind of like to start another new thing whenever I can tell that my last thing has become basically routine.

9 06 2010

I like that course of thinking Britt – making sure one habit is formed before beginning another. Great plan.

9 06 2010

cool…good luck!

9 06 2010


9 06 2010

That sounds like a lot of work — can I just pay you to do it for me? Particularly the “plan. Shop. Cook. Think. Learn” part.

My new thing this week is that I just started a “learn to swim better class”. Turns out my stroke is in pretty good shape (surprising, really) but my breathing needs work (no surprise). The class itself is only 30 minutes a week, but it’s obvious that I’m going to need to actually put in some swim time between classes, so that should be good — if it weren’t for the “plan” part, of course.

9 06 2010

the planning is sometimes the hard part – i like to forge ahead and DO.

9 06 2010

WOW…call people on their BS much?? LOL
Seriously, as one of the people who uttered this silly phrase to you, I appreciate you sayin’ it like it is. I’ve made some changes in my life in the last year and have already lost and kept off around 35 lbs. However, my biggest issue has been trying to get my ass moving…and keep it moving for any sustained period of time! And that all comes down to taking responsibility for just doing it.
So, my new thing this week is that I signed up for a 12-week program through work with a bunch of coworkers, committing to 150 minutes of physical activity a week. It’s a start… :oD

9 06 2010

Ha – did you say that Robin? I’m sorry! I wasn’t thinking about you when I wrote this – I know you have been working very hard!

I LOVE your new thing – that is a lot of time in a week but I know you can do it!

9 06 2010

That’s bullshit.

There is a wagon.

If you want to eat healthy, you need to plan out your meals and go shopping.

If you want to exercise, you need to schedule it and make sure you have the necessary equipment, gym membership, etc.

If you want to stop smoking, you have to prepare.

I completely disagree that it’s just as easy as “doing it”, and I think that you know that too.

9 06 2010
Miss Britt

You don’t have to schedule anything or have any equipment to exercise.

Stand up.

Jump up and down.

Congratulations, you just exercised.

9 06 2010

Being active is different than exercising. Embarking on activity of a moderate level of intensity does take some preparation.

(and that’s why I’m fat)

9 06 2010

I said all that at the beginning Adam – read back. Of course you have to plan. It was more the people who say “I’m going to _____” and never actually DO – which uhhhh would be ME in the last 10 years.

9 06 2010

I think I’m falling in love with you. I love that you tell it like it is and make me want to get off my arse 🙂

I moved up to level 2 on the 30 day shred this week. And I’ve drank almost 40 oz of water each day (except today of course, oops).

9 06 2010

Yay! Level 2! I find that to be the hardest one and struggle with the burpie-like pushup walking thing. But I do them all, even if I have to pause the DVD to take a little more time. It’s hard!

9 06 2010

I started eating an apple a day. Not this week, but 2 weeks ago. Does that count?

11 06 2010

Sure it does – that’s a great thing to do. Peaches are in season too!

10 06 2010

You’ve inspired me to recommit to the Shred every day for 30 days! Not really new, but a renewed commitment. I’ve lost 26lbs so far and started at 227. I’m doing this right along with you!!

11 06 2010

Wow Char – that is a lofty goal! Please stretch after, ok? 30 Day Shred is wonderful, but I find JM doesn’t stretch long enough. Also Epsom salt baths got me through many painful days, as did the potassium in bananas. Good luck! Will you let me know how you did?

10 06 2010
Chantel @knowmleoveme

You speak the truth. I’m on Day 4 of the 30 Day Shred and instead of saying, “I should walk on the treadmill” or “I should work-out today” I am actually doing it. Now I tell myself it’s only 20 minutes, it’s only 20 minutes.

My one new thing will be to find some healthy breakfast options. I’m used to a sugary breakfast to wake myself up but then I crash and feel awful later.

10 06 2010
Chantel @knowmeloveme

I’m @knowmeloveme not whatever the heck I had in there. I was typing fast. lol

11 06 2010

Well the hemp hearts certainly kicked my metabolism into gear! Started them Monday and was down 3.5 pounds by this morning after being stuck for 4 weeks. (*ahem* for a TOTAL LOSS OF 50 FREAKING POUNDS! 30 more to go…lol!)

How I ate them: I cut up a peach, threw in about 10 blueberries, a Silhouette yogurt (35 cal) and 5 heaping tablespoons of hemp hearts. Mixed it all up and had a hearty breakfast.

I highly recommend!

15 06 2010

I’ve never heard of Hemp Hearts. Going to google it now. I do love peaches and blueberries. I’m a no-go on Yougurt tho.

Yay for 50 lbs! 🙂

10 06 2010

you are so right. I’ve hoped on and off the wagon so many times. I started a food journal today. I can’t write lies so my journal will keep me on track. I hope.

11 06 2010

Good job! I found that helped me a ton!

10 06 2010
jess; [the bottle chronicles]

Hear hear! I miss walking, I used to do it every day with Nolan. I’m *almost* back at that point with this knee, and I can’t wait to try the 30 Day Shred once I get the go-ahead haha!!

You’re right, there is no wagon. But I’m willing to jump aboard the healthy jog!! xoxo

11 06 2010

Do what you can Jess – you just had surgery. Take it easy!

10 06 2010

My new thing was to try No More Trouble Zones with Jillian. I think I prefer Zumba for my cardio but NMTZ was a really good workout. Also, what was really satisfying was getting up this morning and not being all that sore, which means that I’m already doing a good job for getting fit. 🙂

11 06 2010

Yeah I’m noticing less and less soreness too! What a weird feeling, huh?

NMTZ is friggin’ hard – good for you!

11 06 2010
50 Pounds and Drunk Athletes « No More Muffintop

[…] and Drunk Athletes 11 06 2010 This morning I stepped on the scale to discover that the hemp hearts, on top of everything else, had broken my plateau.  […]

11 06 2010
Susan @WhyMommy

Wow. I. Love. This.

Way to go, Sugarpants!

11 06 2010

Thanks Susan!

22 06 2010
50 Pounds and Drunk Athletes | No More Muffintop

[…] morning I stepped on the scale to discover that the hemp hearts, on top of everything else, had broken my plateau.  […]

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